Our Hypnotherapy Courses
As a qualified hypnotherapist you can look forward to a lucrative and rewarding career. It really is so satisfying being able to make a real difference to your clients. No previous experience of therapy is required to become a hypnotherapist. People come to hypnotherapy from all walks of life.
Your Training Programme will be delivered over 22 full days, comprising six three-day weekends and four one-day compulsory practice days. This enables you to qualify in four months, feeling competent to go out there and ‘do it’.
The number of students per class is limited, allowing maximum individual attention and supervision. Many courses are purely theoretical. This course has an emphasis on you becoming a practicing and successful hypnotherapist.
The classes will be balanced between instruction, demonstration and practice, and you’ll be able to gain confidence by practicing the techniques taught.
What you will learn
In Summary:
- All about hypnotherapy, its origins and application
- How to hypnotise yourself and others
- How to achieve specific behavioural change
- How to deal with phobias
- Traditional regression therapy
- Hypnoanalysis
- How to work with children’s issues
- How to do certain useful NLP techniques
- A one-session stop smoking protocol
- A weight loss protocol
- Everything you need to know about being a successful hypnotherapy practitioner
- And much, much more!
When you do your Hypnotherapy Practitioner training with Advanced Hypnosis 4U, you’ll receive a National Guild of Hypnotists Diploma. You’ll also be eligible for professional registration with the National Guild of Hypnotists. Your training will include all National Guild of Hypnotists material, plus much more from our many years of training and practice.
Download our Prospectus and our Application Form.
To apply for a place on our next Hypnotherapy Practitioner training Course, please contact us.